The 17th Annual ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games (MIG)
George Mason University- Mason Square (Arlington Campus)
November 21 – 23, 2024

Welcome to MIG 2024!
Motion plays a crucial role in interactive applications, such as VR, AR, and video games. Characters move around, objects are manipulated or they move due to physical constraints, entities are animated, and the camera moves through the scene. Motion is currently studied in many different research areas, including graphics and animation, game technology, robotics, simulation, and computer vision, as well as physics, psychology, and urban studies. Cross-fertilization between these communities can considerably advance the state-of-the-art in the area.
The Motion, Interaction, and Games conference aims to bring together researchers from these fields to present their most recent results, initiate collaborations, and help advance this research area. The conference will feature regular paper sessions, poster presentations, and keynote speeches by a selection of internationally renowned speakers in all areas related to interactive systems and simulation. The conference includes entertaining cultural and social events that foster casual and friendly interactions among the participants.
- Registration will be open soon.
- Paper submission deadline has been extended to July 26th, 2024.
- Paper submission is open.
- Call for papers is announced.
- The 17th annual ACM SIGGRAPH conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games (MIG ‘24) will take place at George Mason University- Mason Square (Arlington Campus), 21-23 November 2024.
We invite original work on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
- Animation systems
- Behavioral animation
- Character animation
- Clothes, skin and hair
- Crowd simulation
- Deformable models
- Facial animation
- Game interaction and player experience
- Game technology
- Gesture recognition
- Group and crowd behavior
- Human motion analysis
- Interaction in virtual and augmented reality
- Interactive storytelling in games
- Machine learning techniques for animation
- Motion capture & retargeting
- Motion control
- Motion in Performing Arts
- Motion in sports
- Motion rehabilitation systems
- Multimodal interaction: haptics, sound, etc.
- Navigation & path planning
- Particle systems
- Physics-based animation
- Real-time fluids
- Virtual humans
We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers on any of the topics of interest mentioned above or any related topic. Submissions can be 4-6 pages for short papers, and up to 10 pages in length for long papers, excluding references. We encourage authors to submit their work as a short paper if the content can fit the 6-page limit. Videos are required for techniques involving motion or animation.
All accepted papers, long and short, will appear in the conference proceedings and be archived in the ACM Digital Library.
All submissions should be formatted using the SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines (sigconf). Latex template can be found here. For the review version, please use the command:
documentclass[sigconf, screen, review, anonymous]{acmart})
The review process will be dual anonymous, and papers should not have previously appeared in, or be currently submitted to, any other conference or journal. All papers will be reviewed by at least three (3) experts from the Program Committee. There is no rebuttal process.
Papers and supplementary material should be submitted using EasyChair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=mig2024
Extended Journal Submissions
After the conference, all authors of accepted long papers are invited to submit revised and extended versions of their work to a special issue of the Computers & Graphics journal. Extended papers are required to contribute at least an additional 30%, including new results, additional experiments, and/or improvements to the original methodology. Extended versions will be evaluated based on their scientific contribution rather than page length.
We also invite submissions of poster papers on any of the topics of interest and related areas. Each submission should be 1-2 pages in length. Two types of work can be submitted directly for poster presentation:
- Work that has been published elsewhere but is of particular relevance to the MIG community can be submitted as a poster. This work and the venue in which it is published should be identified in the abstract;
- Work that is of interest to the MIG community but is not yet mature enough to appear as a paper.
Posters will not appear in the conference proceedings or the ACM Digital Library.
Long and Short Paper Submission Deadline: July 19, 2024 July 26, 2024
Long and Short Paper Acceptance Notification: September 6, 2024 September 13, 2024
Long and Short Paper Camera Ready Deadline: September 27, 2024
Poster Submission Deadline: September 13, 2024
Poster Notification: September 27, 2024
Final Version of Accepted Posters: October 4, 2024
All submission deadlines are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
- Aline Normoyle, Bryn Mawr College, USA
- Babis Koniaris, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
- Ben Jones, University of Utah, USA
- Brandon Haworth, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- Caroline Larboulette, Université de Bretagne, France
- Catherine Pelachaud, Université de Sorbonne, France
- Christos Mousas, Purdue University, USA
- Claudia Esteves, Departamento de Matemáticas. Universidad de Guanajuato
- Damien Rohmer, Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, France
- Daniel Holden, Epic Games, Canada
- Donald Engel, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
- Edmond Ho, University of Glasgow, Scotland
- Eric Patterson, Clemson University, USA
- Floyd Chitalu, Independent
- Hang Ma, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada
- Hong Qin, Stony Brook University, USA
- James Gain, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Julio Godoy, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
- Katja Zibrek, Inria Rennes, France
- Kenny Erleben, Copenhagen University, Denmark
- Lesley Istead, Carleton University, Canada
- Marie Andreia-Rodridues, University of Fortaleza, Brazil
- Matthias Teschner, University of Freiburg, Germany
- Michael Neff, University of California Davis, USA
- Mikhail Bessmeltsev, University of Montreal, Canada
- Miles Macklin, Nvidia, USA
- Mubbasir Kapadia, Roblox, USA
- Nuria Pelechano, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Panayiotis Charalambous, CYENS – Center of Excellence, Cyprus
- Pei Xu, Stanford University, USA
- Rahul Narain, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
- Rinat Abdrashitov, Epic Games, Toronto, Canada
- Ronan Boulic, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, France
- Shinjiro Sueda, Texas A&M University, USA
- Sophie Joerg, University of Bamberg, Germany
- Stephen Guy, University of Minnesota, USA
- Tianlu Mao, Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Tiberiu Popa, Concordia University, Quebec, Canada
- Xiaogang Jin, Zhejiang University, China
- Yin Yang, University of Utah, USA
- Yiorgos Chrysanthou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
- Yuting Ye, Meta, USA
- Zerrin Yumak, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Visa Support
ACM is able to provide visa support letters to attendees as well as authors with accepted papers, posters, or members of the conference committee. If you are a recipient of ACM, SIG, or Conference funded travel grant, please include this information in your request. For visa support letters, please complete the following request online: https://supportletters.acm.org/. Please allow up to 10 business days to receive a letter. All requests are handled in the order they are received. The information below should be included with the request:
- Your name as it appears on your passport
- Your current postal mailing address
- The name of the conference you are registering for. Only accepted authors may request a visa support letter prior to registering for the conference.
- Your registration confirmation number
- If you have any papers accepted for the conference, please provide the title and indicate whether you are the “sole author” or a “co-author”Authors may indicate their paper title. If no paper, speakers can provide the title of their presentation
George Mason University – Mason Square (Arlington Campus)
3351 Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22201
Transportation to the venue
Arrivals through either the DCA or IAD airport can take the metro to Virginia Square-GMU. DCA arrivals will need to take the blue and silver lines. IAD arrivals can directly take the silver line. The venue is an 8 minute walk away from the metro station.
Below are some near-by hotels that are near the venue. These hotels have also been marked on the map. Buses are present in the area and convenient for transportation.

Arlinton and Washington DC
Arlington, Virginia, is a vibrant and diverse community located directly across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. Known for its rich history, Arlington is home to iconic landmarks such as the Arlington National Cemetery, the Pentagon, and the Marine Corps War Memorial. With its unique blend of urban and suburban environments, Arlington offers a wide range of cultural, recreational, and dining experiences.
Fun fact: Arlington is the healthiest city in America. You are likely to find many healthy food options and joggers around!
Just a short metro ride from Arlington, you’ll find Washington, D.C., our nation’s capital. It’s a city rich in history and packed with landmarks that define American democracy, like the U.S. Capitol, the White House, and the Supreme Court. At the heart of D.C. is the National Mall, a vast green space that’s home to amazing museums under the Smithsonian umbrella and famous memorials such as the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.